So, last night I attended what one might call an “office party” for a real estate company my friend works for. It started out as a small but average office party (in terms of my US office-working past), featuring interesting conversations about how last february’s landslides have all but ruined impetuses for home buying (aside: interesting in contrast to the processes that have affected the US housing market, but not at all unrelated. I’d argue the same liberal market processes that created a housing bubble ready to burst in the US also created the structural inequalities in Latin America that lead to “natural disasters” such as landslides which are entirely preventable, and thus not “natural” at all. reading recommendation: Ellen Moodie or Paul Farmer). But eventually the beer cups kept being refilled, and political rants were being espoused, and music was happily pumping from the Toshiba laptop. And I’m not sure how it came up but someone said something about Justin Bieber, and then Cesar chimed in “Oh, all the lesbians want to look like him, right?”
Who knew Justin Bieber had such global reach.