mostly used for watching dvds of the walking dead.
he sold the motorcycle about a year ago, but keeps the helmet on prominent display
i'm informed that so far they have only been used to watch neighbors on their balconies.
a recent birthday present to himself
his polola says she's never seen him use it, but he occasionally comments on hills that he deems worthy of using it on.
I am reminded of my summers during grad school when I would pack up my car with the essentials and drive twelve hours from Washington D.C. to Chicago to spend two months with my boyfriend. Two boxes of books, a suitcase of clothes (another small duffle bag for shoes), my computer, and my bike helmet were the essentials.
Obviously these things vary person to person, but this instant of beginning to move in with a significant other is not only important for the relationship. The things we move with us first, the things we deem most essential to daily life, these items of material culture give a unique and deeply revealing look into a person.
I'm curious what other people have taken or would take when beginning to move in. Whether it is with a significant other, a friend, or simply an extended stay with family-what are the essential material possessions you take with you? Please leave a comment!